Monday, November 22, 2010

Camille Claudel (8 December 1864 – 19 October 1943)

--French sculptor and graphic artist.

--older sister of the French poet and diplomat, Paul Claudel. Rodin's pupil, became a source of inspiration, his model, his confidante and lover.

--After 1905 Claudel appeared to be mentally ill. She destroyed many of her statues, disappeared for long periods of time, and exhibited signs of paranoia and was diagnosed as having schizophrenia.

-- On 10 March 1913 at the initiative of her brother, she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital of Ville-Évrard in Neuilly-sur-Marne. There are records to show that while she did have mental outbursts, she was clear-headed while working on her art. Doctors tried to convince the family that she need not be in the institution, but still they kept her there.

--Camille Claudel died on 19 October 1943, after having lived 30 years in the asylum at Montfavet, the body was never claimed by her family. Though she destroyed much of her art work, about 90 statues, sketches and drawings survive.

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