Monday, November 22, 2010

Drop't Sonnet

An excerpt from “Possessive Used As Drink (Me): a lecture on pronouns in the form of 15 sonnets”, a 25 minute performance involving text, sound, and dance (on video) by three dancers of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. A&D faculty Stephanie Rowden worked on the sound design and Sadie Wilcox (MFA ‘07) did the video.
Artist’s notes:
” I had to compose a lecture on pronouns for a conference at Harvard and this was the result. I wrote a sonnet sequence, which Stephanie Rowden recorded and made interesting. Then three Merce Cunningham dancers improvised choreography in response to the sonnets. Sadie Wilcox videotaped everything they did and edited it to fit (or not) the sound score.”

Video here.

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